Did you know that there are more than 10 main negative effects of internet addiction on teens registered?.
Sadly, the situation of people of all ages declaring themselves addicted to electronic devices has been growing dramatically
in the last years, and after suffering the consequences.
Internet addiction is one of the main reasons for problems like obesity, socialization issues, or insomnia in teens.
One of the most common and most dangerous effects of internet addiction on teens is obesity.
In countries like the United States, about 20% of teens are victims of obesity according to an article by the CDC(Vance).
The reason why obesity is a problem caused by internet addiction is obviously the inactivity of teenagers. Students spend most
of their free time checking their social media or watching youtube videos instead of going out or doing sport. Also, poverty plays a
key role here, because is much cheaper for parents to pay for internet monthly than paying for basketball lessons, for example.
Another important problem caused by internet addiction is socialization issues detected in a big part of the youth, especially young children. In the last years, it has been observed an antisocial behaviour by parents or teachers
on children. It is believed that the early use of electronic devices on toddlers is causing these kids problems with patience, social skills and language learning. All of these are missing because of the incredible amount of time
children between 2 and 5 years old spend with electronic devices,
with an average of 8,2 hours a day in countries like Spain or France,
which leaves them without time to develop other skills(Scott).
Finally, one more consequence of internet addiction is teens is insomnia.
It has been proven proved that spending a lot of time using electronic devices could cause a chemical imbalance in our brains,
and those more vulnerable are young people’s brains.
This imbalance could have many grave effects such as depression, but the most common
one is insomnia. People with sleeping disorders show a higher level of stress and
fatigue and also increases the risk of having mental diseases(Young).
In conclusion, Internet addiction has very important effects such as obesity, lack of social skills,
or insomnia on teens and even little children.
The problem of internet addiction goes further than only decreasing grades,
getting even to damage our children’s health.
Internet addiction is a problem which must be treated because its
consequences could have dire effects on your kid’s life.
Reading this blog, I found out many ways internet can be so dangerous! I think that by reading what Amaya wrote, I became more aware of the consequences of using the internet too much. I'm amazed of the ignorance of the people nowadays. We don't event understand that the internet has the power to destroy our lives.