The Effects Of Internet Addiction

Related imageHave you ever opened your social media for a quick check, looked up and seen that 1 hour has passed without noticing? Did you know that 50% of the kids admit they are addicted to their smartphones, 59% of the parents are aware of their kids addiction and 27% of the parents themselves are addicted? Internet addiction can be defined as compulsive use that interferes with the natural flow of one's daily life, relationships, or work (Joyce).This comes with effects negative to the person such as social effects, drop in performance in sports and school grades, and finally putting ourselves in big risks everyday since we are distracted by our mobile devices and the health dangers they carry with them.
The social effects of the internet addiction are obvious and have consequences that follow them for the rest of their life. He won’t go out with his friends because he doesn’t have any, because his friends are online friends, and because he doesn’t want to leave his game. That person feels uncomfortable in public places, finds it very hard to socialize and usually doesn’t have a great time at school. In a more serious scenario it may lead to depression which can be fought with drug medication but in some cases this leads to drug addiction by drug overuse (Lenhart).
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Next,I am sure that almost everyone has caught himself doing work listening to music and watching TV at the same time.This harms the performance and the amount of time it takes to complete a task.A classmate of mine back in Greece was a very successful swimmer. At around the age of 13 he bought a console. Within a month his grades had dropped drastically and he was thinking about stopping swimming.Thankfully his parents took him to a psychologist who specializes in these situations and with the support of everyone he managed to recover.
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Finally, Internet in combination with the social media have the ability of distracting people and making them focus on something for so long that they lose track of time.The majority of the people who use the internet and social media on a regular basis have looked down on their screens and when they looked back on the watch an hour had passed.This in assistance with mobile devices has been proven very deadly.Nowadays a big amount of the accidents involving a vehicle and a pedestrian are caused by people who are either walking and concentrating on their phones or who are driving and talking on the phone or texting. They also are responsible for accidents with other vehicles as well (Mazzola).
Internet addiction is a very dangerous threat to our lives and has already harmed a very large amount of people. Actions must be taken against it by the governments but also we can and have to take measures against it to improve our way of life and make it more secure.
Works Cited               
Joyce, Amy,“Teens say they’re addicted to technology. Here’s how parents can help.” The Washington Post. The Washington Post. 3 May 2016. Web. 11 Mar. 2019.

Lenhart,Amanda,”Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.” Pew Research Center. Pew Research Center. 9 April 2015. Web. 11 Mar. 2019.

Mazzola,Jessica”Nighttime texting linked to bad grades, N.J. study finds.” New Jersey On-Line LLC. 8 Oct. 2015 Web. 11 Mar. 2019.


  1. Amazing blog, I totally agree with the fact that many teenagers do many things at the same time, and by doing so their performance would not be the best.


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