Solutions to Internet Addiction

Nowadays,everybody relies on technology,even adults and elderly people. If people need help, they
search on the internet. If people want to know about someone,they search on social media. People
don’t realise the consequences of constant activity on internet until it’s too late. There are various
solutions against internet addiction such as limiting your use of internet,finding a hobby, or set rules
for yourself.
Képtalálat a következőre: „insomnia”
Firstly, limiting your time on internet can be greatly helpful. Per se you can only use your phone for
1 hour a day.(Young) It might be hard in the beginning but it can be greatly beneficial. You can
concentrate more on your work,your studies or your children. There are several apps created for
this purpose. These apps will disable the internet on your phone once you used your limit. It can be
very helpful to people with weak willpower.You might ask the question,what if i did all my
work/homework/task and I have nothing else to do? The answer is easy:get a hobby.

In addition, hobbies can be great distractions against your addiction. There are thousands of hobbies
out there and you can also invent one too! It never gets boring and if it does you can just move on
to another. If you have a hobby to care about, you will spend less time on your phone because you
are busy with your hobby. Stamp collecting,doing sports or any kind of hobby can boost your confidence
and reduce the need of social media. Of course you can share your achievements on social media
,making yourself more interesting and open. 87% of the asked people said that their grades,performance
and social interactions has been improving since they got a hobby(Mazzola).

Lastly, setting rules in the house or to yourself can help with addiction to. At first start with simple rules
,for example no phones at the dinner table or shut off the router after 9pm. Parents can join in this too
or fellow wives or husbands(Joyce). Like that it’s fair for everyone and the acceptance of the rules will . be faster. Not only it will help the addiction but it will improve your bond with our family or marriage. Going out together, without using phones, will result in happy hours therefore improving the morale. Before you even realise, you won’t need your phone as much as before.
Képtalálat a következőre: „internet addiction”

All in all, using these advices can not only help you personally but mentally too. Results of following
this advice have proven, and they stay with you. The amount of benefits and free time you can
achieve just by getting rid of ONE addiction is insane! You will be able to perform better and be more
active in reality.
Képtalálat a következőre: „internet addiction”

Works Cited:

Joyce.Amy.’Teens Say They Are Addicted To Technology. Here’s how they can help”.
Washington Post. 3 May. 2016. Web. Mar. 12. 2019

Lenhart.Amanda. ‘Teens,social media,technology overview 2015’. Pew Research Center.
April 9. 2015 Web. 12. Mar. 2019

Mazzola.Jessica. ‘Night time texting linked to bad grades,NJ study finds.’ True Jersey.
Oct 8,2015 Web. 12. Mar. 2019


  1. Me, personally I will follow your suggestion to limit my time using the internet, because I think I stay too much time on internet, instead of doing something really important.

  2. Very nice ideas about the internet addiction I will try your suggestions since I think I overuse the internet sometimes and hopefully will work

  3. Good blog, i'm not sure i'll do your advice but still interesting.

  4. hi, great writing. you helped me open up my mind and realize that i'm actually becoming an a internet addicted person... i'm going to try to follow your suggestions.

  5. I totally support your blog, friend. I've already followed your solutions (thank you so much :D) and right now I am a fan of pottery. I try to make pottery everyday; it's really entertaining and sometimes addictive, but at least it's a healthy addiction!!

  6. Good Job Aron I was very interested in this article because you persuaded me with your good writing in this article of internet addiction, and I'll like to read more of this, great job


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