If you are constantly searching for your phone, then you might be internet addicted.
Researches suggest that  38% of the general population has been affected by the
internet addiction, causing them to have many disorders. Scientists compare it to
alcohol or even drugs, because it can physically change the brain structure.On the
other hand, internet addiction can also cause  insomnia, no sense of time, or even
depression. (Gregory)

First of all, in nowadays, almost all of the teenagers play with their phone during the
night for many purposes like to chat, to watch video or et cetera. And there are a
few of them, who even drink coffee or take pills to stay awake and keep going causing
the body to not having enough rest, feeling of fatigue and if kept for a long period of
time your body would have a lack of exercise. Accessing your phone causes your brain
to work harder to relax, and the blue light from the screens of internet-connected
devices disrupts the sleep-wake cycle, causing insomnia, basically when you cannot
sleep. (Mazzola)

Then, because of the funny facts on the social network, people might focus too much
on them and forget about the passing of time. For example, have you ever said just
let me watch other 10 minutes, but instead you watched way more than you had
decided. If so, then unfortunately you are affected by the internet. Eventually you
would not have enough time for yourself to do other tasks. As a solution, you can put
a clock to remind you that the time is up. (Gregory)

Last but not least, social networks can cause huge problems such as depression.
Teenagers are especially at risk, because their moods are easily affected, and on the
social media people share their depression, which affects others. Then, there are
people who just are affected by that day or people who are eventually affected for
a long period and affect others. But a good part of it is that those people could
group together and try to cure their depression. (Reed)
Internet addiction is a strong disease, which can cause many other disorders, like
insomnia, depression, and no sense of time. But like everything in the world, if you try,
then you will have a higher chance to have a solution.

Gregory,Christina,“Internet Addiction Disorder”. Psycom.net . Vertical Health LLC. n.d. Web. 21Mar, 2019.

Reed,Martin, “How Internet Addiction Is Harming Your Brain, Your Health, and Your Sleep”. Healthcentral.com. Remedy Health Media LLC. Feb 21,2017 Web. 21Mar, 2019.

Mazzola, Jessica”Nighttime texting linked to bad grades, N.J. study fins.” Nj.com. New Jersey On-Line LLC. 8 Oct. 2015 Web. 11 Mar. 2019.d


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